What is the Chinnor Good Neighbour Scheme?

We are a small group of volunteers from Chinnor and surrounding villages who try to help people where friends and family are unable to do so. We can help with shopping, collecting prescriptions, providing transport to appointments, popping round for a coffee and a chat, or even small one-off jobs around the house.

So if you think that we may be able to help you in any way then have a look at ‘How Can We Help You’ for more detail – but we are happy to be here for you, and we will always help if we can.


Chinnor Good Neighbour Scheme started in 2011 and has steadily grown. Up to May 2016 we have been able to help 192 people in Chinnor (and surrounding villages) in a number of different ways; and in the year 2015/2016 we have helped our clients 497 times with a variety of odd jobs; and we have only failed to fulfil two requests in our first five years of operation.

Although we have had changes to our team of volunteers we have been able maintain volunteer numbers at around 30.

Who can use the Scheme?

Our volunteers are happy to visit anyone who needs help, whatever their age.

Who are our Volunteers?

All of our volunteers are committed to helping the community in and around Chinnor, working in harmony with the other village community services. Our volunteers have all been checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), and they all carry identification.

Contact the Chinnor Good Neighbour Scheme

Phone 01844 353500

Email info@chinnorgns.co.uk

